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Egroeg, Feral Druid

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Egroeg, Feral Druid Empty Egroeg, Feral Druid

Post by Egroeg Wed May 21, 2008 5:11 pm

Right well, A few people may remember me Im not too sure. I used to be in State of Art as a Shaman (Tu), Brother was Myth or Riith, one or the other but I'd like to say hi. Im not too sure what people's experiences may have been with me whilst I was in the guild at that time but I've decided to apply to the guild in order to raid along with a few friends such as Pilen (Who's a terrible hunter and can't pvp). Anyhow, my application's below:

Character Details

A little bit of detail about my character. I've been Raiding since I hit 70 With a few members of Waste of Loot (Now Current Blood Rage members). My Played time's about 6 Days at 70, how ever I have been recommended by a fair few members of Waste of Loot hence I joined it before it folded. (Jollyman/Anharat/Elkan/ShadoowDeath). Anyhow -

Character Name: Egroeg
Class: Druid
Level: 70
Race: Tauren
Nationality: English
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Further Detail

Our raids take place at 19:00 to 23:00 (Sunday) and 20:00 to 23:00 (Monday and Thursday), are you able to join at these time?

At this moment of time I can. All raid dates are perfectly fine for me, although I may be working Untill 20:00 On Some thursdays - Although this depends on my rotar At the Magical Place of PC's Where I work.

Please state what raid experiences you have

Pre-TBC Wise, I've taken down all of the Outdoor Dragon's Including Emerald's, Cleared BWL/AQ40 and Parts of Naxxramas, along with all of the lower level Instances and 20 Mans. TBC Wise, I've Killed the first 3 bosses in BT with Waste of Loot whilst I was in the guild before they fell apart, The majority of TK/SSC On my Prot warrior as one of the MT's.

Can you communicate in good English?

If I can't then please shoot me.

We use Ventrilo for our voice communications, are you able to use this software?

Im On Ventrilo On a Daily Basis with members of BloodRage and other friends who play WoW so yes, Im quite Fluent in how to use the application.

Did you level your character from levels 1 to 70 on your own?

All of the leveling was done by myself. All Items were farmed by myself and so on so forth Smile So yes.

What are the reasons for leaving your former guild?

I was in Waste of Loot before it disbanded, but then a few members left which caused everyone else to leave ect, and I was then in Mojo Tribe which seemed to have disbanded (Former GM - Snolith) who I believe is in the guild atm so /wave.

What do you want to achieve from playing wow?

Progress in the Ingame Content and attempt to "Complete" current content with a progressing guild.

Your armory link (write the URL in plain text): - Although most likley to be in my DPS Gear. - The site I base my overall gear as well as a overview of my character, gear, Gem's and optimal performance in instances.

This is a very important question, please tell us a joke:

A Man Walked into a Bar - Ouch. - Bout as simple yet pleasing as it comes

And finally, please tell us a little bit about yourself:

Just finishing my A-level exams in the following 2 weeks and will then be working full time at the world of PC's, upgrading my PC for better performance and just in the game for a good time whilst being able to achieve end game content.

Anyway thats about it so Cheers



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