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Destruction lock^^

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Destruction lock^^ Empty Destruction lock^^

Post by Lloydboi Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:08 pm

- Character Name:
- Class:
- Current talent spec:
- Nationality:
- Age:
- Occupation (what you do):

- Attunements?

- What is your ongame activity?
Atm i'm doing daylies and heroic as i dont been able to find a good guild:/
- Our raids take place at 19.30/20.00st and ends 23.00/00.00st are you able to join at those times?
- What role you see yourself filling in raids?
Good dps, good to take commands and tasks, fear if needed, banish, enslave and you can count on me to show up:)
- What Addons do you consider essential for your class?
Threat meter most of all, deadly boss mod is nice.

- Which guild's were you in before?
Been in several unserious guilds:/
- What is your raiding expirience, both TBC and before TBC?
done, kara and gruul, also downed bear boss in ZA.
- How do you plan to grind for consumables?
I'm a alchemist, so make my own pots, and buff flask:P
- Why it is that you want to join Incarcerated?
Realy want to make som progress in the game, and want to join a good rading guild. Got a friend of mine who have done both TK and SSC with gear equal to mine so se no problem in that:) and hope you guys can help me in the persuit of better gear and experiance:)
- Do you know or have quested with any of us?
Not atm no:)
- What are you looking for in a guild, what do you expect from it?
Looking for nice helpful ppl:) and a guild who can help to make some progress, feels that i'm bouncing against the wall atm and want to be a part of a good rading guild:)

- Armory link:

- Talk about yourself:
I'm 24 years old, live in hammerfest Norway:) Working as a electrician:P plays paintball in my freetime:P fast learner, reliable:)


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